What Information Can I View On My Account Dashboard?

What Information Can I View On My Account Dashboard?

Before you make a purchase, you will see your Standard Dashboard which displays general information about the FunderPro Account Challenge, the respective Payment Panel which allows you to choose your Account Details, and your trading platform.


If you navigate to the panel on the left-hand side, you can view these sections:


  1. Platforms
  • Select your preferred Trading Platform.
  • You can choose between Live Accounts and Demo Accounts.


  1. Affiliates
  • View all your Affiliate Tracking Tools (commissions, referrals, etc.).
  • Find your unique Affiliate ID Link.


  1. My Profile
  • Update Personal Information (Name & Surname).
  • Change your Account Password.


  1. Live Support
  • Start a Live Chat with the Support Team.
  • Ask any query related to topFundr, FunderPro and the Challenges.


Once you have purchased a FunderPro Account Challenge through topFundr, that is when the fun truly starts! You will then be able to see all the relevant statistics and data vis-à-vis all your Active Challenges, such as:


  • Account Balance
  • Total Profit/Loss (P/L)
  • Winning/Losing Trades
  • Profit Target
  • Today’s Permitted Loss (Daily Drawdown)
  • Max Permitted Loss (Overall Drawdown)
  • Active Trading Days

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